Me and my blog

Peace be on you all.

About Me:

I am just an average guy from an average neighbourhood. Nothing special, nothing extraordinary. Just another blogger you can say.

I am of South Asian origin, Bengali to be specific, but I may not fit into your stereotypical Bengali guy perception. I would consider myself as a middle-class person, but I have lived and/or mixed with all classes. From street urchins to villagers to drug-addicts to thugs to players to alcoholics to factory workers to 9-5 office goers to politicians to engineers to business tycoons: name any category and I have personally known or mixed with at least one person from that category. The point is: I have been there, done that and I am probably in there, doing that.

I am a family-oriented person and I would typically choose to spend any evening or weekend with my family over anyone or anything else. You could say: momma's boy and in a lot of ways, you are damn right as I hope to be more of a family-person over time.

I am a firm believer in one God, not in multiple gods or one god in multiple incarnations and persons and what not. I believe all of us would have to answer to the Lord one day, and be dealt with most justly. My posts may cause some groups of people to call me by various derogatory names and I have already been called most of them.

Frankly, I do not care even the slightest of how 'you' perceive me as. I do not claim myself to be from the righteous people on earth, but I love those that have been characterised as righteous and wish to inherit their characteristics, God willing. I do not claim to be absolutely correct in my views and opinions, for I am only a human and I rest my shortcomings to my Lord. My posts are not all religious in nature either -- they're just Ahmad's thoughts and experiences.

There's more to life than all this. There's a journey to travel. Question your soul.

About my blog:

My blog is not intended to target any specific audience. The posts are of varied nature, taken both from life examples and hypothetical situations, to reflect many of the societal and life issues we face everyday. I only hope my posts would reflect some of the everyday issues you see or experience and provoke you to question and discover yourself and your surroundings.

Here's a rule-of-thumb before you comment to any of my posts:
Read carefully what I have said and try to understand the context before you disagree and rush into typing something. I simply ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt, so ask me for clarification/elaboration beforehand.

If I feel that you have not done that in your comment, it is likely that I would not allow it in my blog or respond to it appropriately and sometimes the outcome from such responses are not very pretty.

I am not a very learned person in the field of religions or anything in this matter. In other words, I am not a Scholar or even a Student of Knowledge. My area of expertise is experimental modal analysis and foil-air bearings; and even within my area of expertise, I am only a student, not a Professor. A glimpse of my work can be downloaded and read from here.
I do not claim that everything in my posts are correct or appropriate. Like I said, my target audience is the entire world, not a specific group. If my post is not very appropriate to your group, then it probably is appropriate to the group next to you.

I do not wish to engage in any kind of debate here. Constructive discussions and criticisms are acceptable but debates and arguments are not. Many of my posts or sections within the posts may lack evidence or direct reference. My posts are mainly from the top of my head (or "within my head") and I do not always have the references in my head or know them even. My posts should not be taken as research works and mind that this is only a blog from an unknown blogger you do not know anything about.

Hence read it or leave it. This is MY blog and I do things MY way. I do not answer to you and everything is not so black and white as one may want it to be. If you disagree, leave a comment and if I feel it to be relevant and appropriate, I would allow it and maybe comment to it. You can always preach and spread your views elsewhere; after all, this is the internet! Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I do not wish to repeat this kind of statements in my responses to the comments. Please do not think I somehow represent 'this' group or 'that' group or 'your' group in everything, because I do not.

Also, I would like to add that I am normally very busy and when I am not busy, I spend time doing things that I like. Please excuse me for my period of inactivity and delay in responses.

Lastly, I hope you, whoever you may be, benefit from my posts. I re-iterate: it's mostly my thoughts and experiences. If there is one website I can suggest to every one of you, it is: