"te amo te amo te amo te amo eres lindo quisiera compartir contigo unos lindos momentos me encantas tanto tu cuerpo tu sonrisa tus labios………………… y todo lo demas"
Ah is there no limit to a celebrity-crush? How can you girls say that to someone who's got a Catholic-Chicana girlfriend with two extra-marital children? And I thought Catholics are quite stern about pre-marital sex. Obviously, Catholicism is, as can be read here. And I know Catholics who, despite doing what they do, have this taboo thing about fornication. Well, South Asians and most of the world have this taboo about sex, but thanks to Westernisation or modernisation or whatever you want to call it, even early teenagers have started playing real orgies these days instead of err.. playing pokemon.
True story. Or not. This Mexican-American dude was saying that he asked his mother, "Ma, where do babies come from?" So his mama was like freaked out that her son asked such a question, so she snapped some stuff in Spanish which kind of translates to, "Why do you wanna know where babies come from?" and did that Catholic thing you know, in the name of father, son and holy spirit with the right hand? The son replied, "Coz I'm 25?!" Maybe it was made up, but you get the point. Don't talk about sex. Let your kids find out on their own when watching some porno with friends! Hmmm, question of the day, how did YOU know all about it?
So they're happy going second base and maybe a liiiiiiittle bit further, but not all the way down because the Bible would then call them whoremongers ('players' in modern-day usage) and whores (suit your modern day imagination for this one). This just gave me an idea. I gotta ask something to this Colombian Catholic I know. Gotta hay while the sun shines.
Right, so all you Spanish-speaking Catholic fans of William Levy, know that you're saying all that to a whoremonger. And I guess you don't mind being whores either, if the whoremonger is William Levy. Ah, one very crucial reason why a guy wants to be a millionaire, a celebrity.
Add to that, Levy converted to Catholicism in 2009. I wondered why. I believe there can be only two reasons why you want to convert to Catholicism/Hinduism (doesn't include those who are raised Catholics so no pun intended):
- You love worshipping idols and statues. It's ingrained in your genes?!
- You do it because you want some worldly gain out of it.
I was right. For Levy, it was the second. From his words:
"Lo hice porque si el día de mañana quiero casarme, porque sí quiero hacerlo, necesito de estos sacramentos"
Nice. I know nuns don't get married. But 'religious sisters' do. It probably wouldn't be a disastrous thing to get married to a Catholic 'religious sister'.
Anyway, back to the title of the post. I see he's not ugly by any means, well he's a model, but the most beautiful man on the planet? Can the word 'beautiful' be even used literally for a guy?
Damn I just found out that there's a whole 'beautiful men' contest going in this crazy world. Here's one such beautiful man (it's not my words!):
blah blah blah,.....he's sooo gay!!iz all i can say..but blah...cute guyz r often gay!!!