Saturday, 5 June 2010

Spiritual Guide or Satanic Guide?

Many groups of Muslims are quite proactive about this 'spiritual' aspect of the deen. Essentially, the intention behind this spiritualness is to purify oneself from lowly desires of this world, to be ascetic. In Arabic, a Zaahid. MashaAllah, which Muslim does not love and desire to be a Zaahid?

What is astonishing is to see the way these groups and individuals try to achieve this spirituality. One adherent to one of these groups comments, "my spiritual guide has found me and has unlocked a door within that has made me close both eyes to finally see with the other..."
So you close your eyes and now you see with the other - and the intent is the inner eye, the spiritual eye. So far so good, eh?

Let me translate a section from the 'wonderful, spiritual' writing of one of their figureheads. It is widely available and distributed in the 'spiritual guides' in South Asia, the likes of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. (This one taken from p. 113 of a 'spiritual' book, from the words of the 'Peer', in the height of his spirituality.)

O Muslim brothers, what is the way forward for me? I now don't know myself. Who am I? I don't know. Which nation do I belong to? Muslim or Jew or fire-worshipper? I cannot say. ...

Now my place (makaan) has been 'la-makan', i.e. without a place. There is no trace of me. There is no life in me, there is no body in me! Even I have forgotten the 'Ishq' (aka prem in hindi/urdu/bengali or intimate love in English) of my 'Mashuk' (the one with whom one does 'Ishq' with, i.e. wife/husband, in this case, referring to Allah, Glory be to Him!). There is nothing about me anymore...

There's more to it. If you get to read it, think for a moment what has been supposedly said by this 'Peer'. Let me end it here with a du'aa, O Allah, I seek refuge in you from such 'spirituality'.

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