Arizona reminds me of 1930′s GermanyThe same cannot be said for many Desi-Brits who themselves belittle the working class Desis (aka South Asians, comprising Bengalis, Indians, Srilankans and Pakistanis) that come to United Kingdom and pump up the economy and clean up the shit. Yes, many of the Bengalis, the Pakis and the Polish come from their countries to United Kingdom to clean your damn shit coz you can't even clean your own shit. They cook curries and let their hands turn yellowish due to the spices, while you laugh at them as you are enjoying the Chicken Tikka Masala from the Indian restaurant. But hey, you're 'born and bred' like the sheep in the land of the kuffaar, so you must have the right to mock at those who weren't?! I have seen the African-Brit standing up for their people from Africa, the Hispanics and the Oriental standing up for their kind, but many of you Paki-Brits and Bengali-Brits continue to show how much of a twisted childhood you had, what education your parents and the society you were 'bred in' gave you, and what type of mental sickness your children is likely to have in future, may Allah guide you.
It’s been a few days since the SB1070 Immigration bill was signed into law by the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer (La Brew-Ha como le dicen en facebook.) Y aunque este no es un blog político, si es un blog de la vida en spanglish, so it’s about time I voice my opinion.
Before the hate comments come in (how interesting that when I post something that is immigration related I get a few hate emails which are never published) let me start off by saying there is no easy way out of this immigration mess, no easy single solution that will make everyone happy when it comes to undocumented workers in the US. There are too many obstacles (money, power, race, pride) and too many people (12 million and counting) to solve this in one step.
The debate heats up every year, around the month of May curiously enough, and everybody gets all worked up and passionate abut the subject. But nothing has changed in years and meanwhile people are divided into camps: Pro-Immigration Reform and the “Send them All Back ” groups como los MinuteMen.
But we’ve never seen anything like this. Not even back in the days of 187 in California were people so split on this issue.
The extremist and racist profiling tactics and measures that will now take place legally in Arizona are shocking. I don’t exaggerate when I say it reminds me of Germany, Pre World War II., circa 1930. Back then Jews were blamed for everything from diseases to unemployment to taking away from “rightful” citizens to being a threat to the community. Sound familiar?
It seems the people of Arizona took a note out of history and came up with a law that basically would give a law enforcement official, cualquier policía de la calle, the right to ask anybody that doesn’t look “gringo” enough for proof of residencyor legal status and put you in jail or deport you if you don’t have it with you. I suppose they wouldn’t be looking for Chinese, or European, or Canadians, or African Americans, right? This is a law that is aimed at Hispanics and anyone who “looks” Hispanic. What that means is left up entirely to the law officers judgement.
Everyday I come across different opinions on the subject of immigration. Yes there are way too many people who are here without “legal staus”. Yes the system is broken, yes there are crimes and misdemeanors. However, we are not all criminals, nor thugs, nor abusive “disease ridden illegal aliens who bring lice and diseases across the border” as someone on CNN said recently, imagine that.
What about the millions of hardworking, decent, HUMAN BEINGS that come to work here and grow this country’s economy? What about the people that cook for you in restaurants, wait at your table, clean your office building, park your car, help you out when your car is stranded on the road (it happened to me!), clean your hotel room? What about the construction worker, the janitor, the cook, the nurse, the student with good grades, the nanny, the gardener, the person who helps you carry your groceries, the dishwasher? Don’t they deserve a chance to work/live here legally? Everyday they prove they are worthy of the American Dream. They work hard and provide for their families. I have met people and know stories that inspire, esta gente lo ha sufrido y lo ha vivido. Salen con miedo todos los dias de ser deportados, y aun así se arriesgan. Merecen tener el derecho a trabajar y quedarse aqui. He dicho.
Jan Brew-ha can say this won’t affect Arizona’s economy. Allá ella. We’ll see. For the moment, I won’t so much as spend a cent in AZ, nor drive through there. “I won’t even drink Arizona Tea,” says my friend Mickey Vega. Lo siento por los residentes de su estado, but that’s the way it is.
So that’s my humilde opinión. I have a feeling this time things will be a little different. People are more informed. More vocal.And we now have the power of Facebook! Social Media is a great tool for defending your point of view (either for or against Immigration Reform) and it’s not going anywhere soon. Here’s a few groups that have formed since last week:
1 Million Strong Against Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070.
Possible Illegal Immigrants
Si un policia me dice papeles y yo digo tijeras gano yo
And other links to (a great group credited with bringing down Lou Dobbs)
Shame on Arizona
Woe to you and your despicable racism and nationalism. If it was done by BNP, it could be argued that such racism and nationalism is befitting for them, yet you, from the Ummah of Muhammad, continue to belittle others based on their ethnicity and nationality and work. You'd probably have belitted the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, because he wasn't a Brit with a high-profile job. Shame on you: you pompous, obnoxious and arrogant second and third generation immigrants turning your back against your own people.
From the words of a celebrity Chicano, who publicly commented in reference to those who say Hispanics don't speak English, saying:
You don't think we speak English? We speak English. We speak Spanish because we don't wanna talk to you.