Our/Their/My/Your Troop
Who is the "our" here and which troop represents "us" here?
Let's start with the obvious one. "Our" is the US-UK population and the troop that represents "us" are the "American-British" troop in foreign lands. But has the other side of the coin ever crossed your mind?
That "our" means the Afghan/Palestine population and the troop that represents "us" are the "Taliban-Hamas" troop.
Or "our" meant the Cuban/Vietnamese population and the troop that represented "us" are the "Cuban-Vietnamese" troop.
Or "our" meant the Indian/Malaysian population and the troop that represented "us" are the "Indian/Malaysian" troop that drove the British out of their lands.
So who is "us" and what is "our troop"?
Still not clear? Maybe these two contrasting pictures would help or make it even more unclear:
Picture 1: Support Our Troops (Our = US army)

Picture 2: Support Our Troops (Our = Talibans in Afghanistan)
The US army/Talibans don't necessarily represent "us"
A lot of stuff have been dedicated for "our" troops, claiming they represent "us". Music bands (like 3 Doors Down) and celebrities in general have gone platinum with their performance showing support for "our" troops. But do they really represent "us"?
Someone said, "Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are not serving our country, they are serving Bush's stupid plans."
And another said, "And I say that the Talibans are WITHOUT A DOUBT oppressors."
Don't forget the very truthful phrase: "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist".
And even if they represent "us"
So what if they represent "us"? Do they represent justice and truth? Or do they represent torture, oppression and massacre?
Would the German population be correct if they were saying "Support Our Troops" in WWII? Is your support based on nationalistic and tribal grounds or is it out of justice and truth?
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 in India against the British forces, were known to the British as the "Great Mutiny", but to Indians as the "First War of Independence". Who was "our troop" there to be supported?
"Get out of America"
It's quite sad and hilarious as well when some Americans, while supporting their troops blindly, throw this phrase to anybody who don't support "our (US)" troops. If that is not bigoted racism and nationalism, then what is? Thankfully, we have native Americans who beg to differ and don't support "their" troops if they are committing mass murders and rapes in the name of "war casualties".
Another braindead guy asked anybody not supporting US troops to stop "usual oil digging propaganda theories and killing of innocents" as a shield. This is the internet so I don't know who that braindead guy is; for all I know, he could be Lynndie England's high-school sweetheart.
Tighter Rules Fail to Stem Deaths of Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints
Hitler and supporters of Hitler are in the making, with these foolish people, supporting "their" troops no matter how much oppression and genocide they are causing. We can all sing along "When I'm gone" as long as "I" is one of us.
I enjoy satirical shows where a lot of humour is presented by way of ironical statements. Here's one such script:
"You know, I'm a man who believes in the American dream. I-I really do. And that dream is I'm in charge, and if you don't like what I'm sayin', then I'm gonna make wisecracks a-and drop a bomb on 'ya. That's it! That for me is, the, uh, the American dream, OK? And maybe, our country oughta sing a song about it, and have me walk around in slow motion.
That's the fully realized dream. You know, maybe then you could make a movie about me doin' that and we could do action figurines and then myself makin' a movie about blowin' the shit out of you while I make a wisecrack. That's the beauty of America. I'm allowed to dream! That's the dream!
... We'll be right-we'll be right here in the air conditioning, watching the news, and stewing over people like you who-who are trying to break into our houses, and trust me, you come into my house, buddy, you know there's gonna be, uh, uh, in store for a little double-barrelled surprise, OK? I will take you, and I will shoot a hole in you! And then I will torture you, and your family... for...freedom."
I'd really like to see the day when the oppressed people have the option to say what troop they want the rest of us, not being oppressed, to support. People like, the children of Gaza, as in here.
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